To me, The Perryman is more than just a business venture. It’s about leading the line.

In my lifetime I think we'll see a revolution in agriculture, and I want The Perryman to be a part of that.

In its efforts to maximise efficiency and profit, modern industrial agriculture relies on annual monocrops, toxic herbicides and pesticides, synthetic fertilizer and wasteful water use, all of which are destroying topsoil much faster than it can be replaced. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, if we continue to degrade our soil at the current rate, we have only about 60 harvests left.

Even if we could figure out how to extend the future of industrial agriculture, we do so at great cost: diminishing returns, millions of small farmers out of work, increasing danger to humans and our ecosystem from toxic chemicals and lower nutritional value.

Fortunately, there is a better path forward. Regenerative organic farming practices yield large crops while building healthier soil, which can draw down and store more greenhouse gases. The deeper we delve into this subject the more we discover that the best ways are often the old ways.

With The Perryman, our ambition is to take that turn towards the past and step toward a new kind of future. One filled with deeply flavourful, nutritious foods that restore, rather than deplete, our planet. We hope that by knowing our impact, favouring improvement and sharing what we learn we will inspire both our customers and the industry at large to tackle this issue head on.

By taking responsibility for what happens in our supply chain in The Perryman’s name we can ensure that our food is a key part of the solution instead of the problem.

That’s the revolution I want to be a part of. It is clear to me that the requisites for a thriving business and thriving people are one and the same.

Dean Perryman

How we're making change